A Parents Guide to Homework
Homework fosters independence, self-reliance, self-esteem, co-operation and responsibility and hopefully develops a love of life-long learning. It is an essential part of primary education as it re-enforces what children learn in school. It provides a link between teacher and parent and encourages parental involvement in their child’s education.
In general, homework is meant to be achievable by a child working on their own to the best of their ability. It is normally prepared by the teacher in class and will have been fully explained to the child before they go home each day. Homework can be used to practice what is done in school or sometimes can be designed to challenge children’s ability and provide further opportunities for creativity. It is hoped that Homework is seen as a positive activity for the child and that it is an opportunity for them to demonstrate their learning. At the junior end of the school Homework can be a mixture of oral and written work and each week a homework sheet is provided. Under our Literacy Tab here on the website you will find lots of oral games to supplement your child’s learning in Junior and Senior Infants.
The National Parents Council provide guidelines on Homework here
What are the aims of homework?
That the children learn to organise themselves
That the children learn to take responsibility for their work
That the children form good work habits
That the children develop work and study skills on a gradual basis aiming at independent study by senior level.
What are the objectives of homework?
To consolidate what is learnt in class
To practice existing concepts and skills
To ensure that there is complete understanding of new concepts
To give parents an insight into the concepts being covered in class and to involve parents in the curriculum in a meaningful way.
What is the parent’s role?
To oversee the homework being done, especially in the junior classes. In the senior classes parents can help by checking the quality of the work
To inform the class teacher of any difficulties being experienced by their child
To help their child to develop good work habits in terms of organisation and presentation of work
If a child is exceeding the recommended time in doing their homework, and the parent is satisfied that the child has been applying themselves to the task, the parent may sign the incomplete work stating this to be the case. In the senior classes it is recommended that students do some work in each subject rather than completing one subject if the homework is proving too time-consuming.